I think it was Januar 12th that Innovation started poking Heroic Castle Nathria, and it took us till the 8th of April to clear it all. Thee months inside Castlevania and I hope to forget it soon. Not that the fights where that bad, it's just this whole starting patch of the expansion that just not hits me. And in that feeling I don't have many fond memories of the Castle.
We also had a lot of turnover. If I look at the first few kill-pictures on the Innovation site, there are a lot of players around. I even remember saying that it would be a long time before Synthea and myself would put on the healing-set again as the guilds reserve healers for the last decade, considering we had such a consistent team of healers showing up....
Well.. that didn't last, on the killpic of the generals I am even in treeform, and Synthea was healing on our Denathrius kill, where we even pugged a healer. There are all good reasons where the healers went, mostly RL. And one went Loktar Ogar on us and probably costed us two more wipe nights on Denathrius.
But, it's now April, and all news I am getting, it may be a while before the next raid drops. So I guess we will be farming this for a while. Although, maybe I can play some TBC in the meanwhile.... all that leaves us now are the killcounts for the bosses...and.. *Gasp* a kill video.
Number of pulls per boss in Castle Nathria:
Shriekwing : 4
Huntsman Altimor : 10
Hungering Destroyer : 6
Lady Inerva Darkvein : 15
Artificer Xy'mox : 9
Sun King's Salvation : 7
The Council of Blood : 11
Sludgefist : 33
Stone Legion Generals : 23
Sire Denathrius : 105